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Join the Movement to RealPage Student

You want a simple, seamlessly integrated property management system dedicated to Student Housing that makes your work and your life easier. You demand more—more choice, more ease and more answers. Get more of what you need to outperform—join the movement to RealPage Student.

RealPage Student is powerful property management software and best-in-class data analytics developed to offer more to owners, operators, investors, developers and asset managers in the Student Housing space. Access the industry’s gold-standard analytics platform--AxioStudent™--to view critical KPIs down to the bed level for more answers. Implement OneSite™ Leasing and Rents for Student, enabling more choice in how you run your Student properties. And connect with more student prospects, convert more renters and retain more student residents next year while driving record performance from your marketing, leasing and community teams—easier than you ever thought possible.

Choose streamlined, all-in-one software solution built just for Student Housing and designed for outperformance. Join the movement to RealPage® Student.

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