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RealPage® EasyLMS Customization Makes Training Fun, Efficient & Consistent

Before the transition to RealPage® EasyLMS®, Kortney Balas of JVM Realty found it difficult to get employees across different properties excited about product training and skills development. With EasyLMS, innovative and customizable, product-specific learning keeps associates coming back for more. EasyLMS keeps staff and management up to speed no matter when they onboard. Every team member has access to the same high-quality learning experience and knowledge base, regardless of when a product is rolled out. To maximize employee satisfaction and retention, JVM Realty chose RealPage EasyLMS to support an investment in their people and build learning programs as a core strength. The specialized training available in EasyLMS gives employees the tools to succeed and grow with the company, helping to reduce high industry turnover rates. Overall, EasyLMS is the easy choice for customizable and engaging training programs and consistent product knowledge.

For more information, visit RealPage EasyLMS.