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RealPage Spend Management Improves Efficiency Across 140 Properties

Veronica Galvan of Barker Management was looking for a way to automate their invoice and payment processes for over 140 properties across Nevada and California. RealPage® Spend Management fit their needs perfectly and introduced a seamless invoice processing system to use across all their properties. Vendors become a part of the process and now site managers are able to easily keep track of supply and equipment ordering, as well. With Spend Management, corrections to purchase orders are as simple as hitting the “edit” button. The workflow feature is very customizable and can adapt to any changes in passing tasks or information from regional supervisors all the way to the president of the company if the need arises. With RealPage Spend Management, Barker Management has increased efficiency and improved accounts payable processes with one powerful tool.

For more information, visit RealPage® Spend Management