Everything you need to know to stay in compliance with the emerging BPS policies

BPS Map for Multifamily and Commercial Properties

Similar to Annual Data Disclosure rules for Energy & Water, sometimes referred to as Benchmarking Compliance, a growing number of cities, counties, and states across the United States are enacting Building Performance Standards (BPS). The BPS laws are taking the previous disclosure laws to the next level, requiring buildings to meet measurable performance standards or improvements, typically reduced utility consumption or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The BPS Map* shows what laws, reduction goals, timelines, and relevant links are available by city, state or province.

*Note: We strive to update this information regularly, but compliance requirements vary and change. To verify compliance requirements for local ordinances across the U.S., please contact us.

Coming soon: additional jurisdictions that appear to be in the process of implementing or strengthening building performance standards include: Ann Arbor, MI; Annapolis, MD; Aspen, CO; Atlanta, GA; California (statewide); Chicago, IL; Columbus, OH; Evanston, IL; Fort Collins, CO; Grand Rapids, MI; Ithaca, NY; Kansas City, MO; Los Angeles, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Montpelier, VT; New Orleans, LA; Orlando, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland, OR; Prince George’s County, MD; Sacramento, CA; San Francisco, CA; Savannah, GA; Santa Monica, CA; West Hollywood, CA.

Disclaimer: BPS laws are a relatively new development; as such, the status and number of laws is continuously changing. The information on this page is accurate to the best of our knowledge. This page was last modified on 12/19/2023 and will be updated to reflect evolving and emerging regulations.


St. Louis, MO

New York

New York, NY





Seattle, WA

Washington D.C.

Washington, DC

Stay in Compliance by Following These 4 Steps:

  1. Know what the regulations and the BPS targets are for your market.

    RealPage Benchmarking Compliance service does this for you. City websites can also be useful. For example, see Energize Denver. Energize Denver also has a property tracking and forecast calculator.

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  2. Establish energy benchmarks and file your data in Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM).

    These benchmarks are the baseline for which cities and states will judge your building's compliance going forward. RealPage Benchmarking Compliance service does this for you, ensuring the right data is captured for tracking and meeting city and state mandates.

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  3. Get an ASHRAE Audit.

    RealPage recommends at least a level II, best is a level III. The audit will help identify the projects needed to reduce your building's energy and carbon emissions (so your building will meet BPS targets once published). RealPage Energy Audit services will do this for you or you can use your preferred energy auditor. Read more about our conservation program below!

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  4. Last, track and measure your performance over time against mandated targets in markets where BPS targets have been published*.

    RealPage can help you do this with our BPS Data Visualization Tracker that leverages your data filed in ESPM and measures that data against your BPS targets.

    *Refer to the map above to see which cities and states have published BPS targets; most have BPS policies in place, but specific targets are still being defined. Our map will keep you up to date on this.

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Proactively capturing and measuring your data in ESPM, and conducting your audits sooner than later will help you budget and plan for these regulations.

Identify Conservation Opportunities to Improve Property Performance

Our conservation program will identify electric, gas, and water savings opportunities for your properties, and provide you with an end-to-end solution to help manage project completion. We'll develop project proposals, manage the projects on your behalf and measure actual usage savings after project completion.

Save up to 30% on your energy and water usage with comprehensive on-site audits and capital improvement projects that help improve property values, reduce consumption and drive higher rents by:

  • Inspecting mechanical, lighting, plumbing and operational systems
  • Identifying retrofit and replacement opportunities
  • Developing project proposals with costs, savings, ROI, end-to-end project management, usage tracking and ongoing performance reports
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