Times Like These Prove the Value of Online Learning Platforms


Online learning platforms are proving their ability to bridge the gap between employers and employees working remotely in the multifamily arena. And the benefits will be around for many years to come.

The business world has transformed its mindset that employees working outside the office aren't productive. Even before the pandemic, word was out that employees working remotely are just as or more productive than in office environments.

As more businesses become separated from their employee bases – whether intentional or not – the need for online training that strengthens knowledge and core values becomes more critical.

Long before the idea of working at home was entertained, the distances associated with multifamily housing operations required more effective ways to train employees. Online learning systems have helped fill a void in training between company leaders and onsite staff separated by even thousands of miles.

Online learning platforms at work

Resources like EasyLMS®, a highly popular multifamily online learning platform, continue to play a huge role in new employee training, career development and retention. During the pandemic, multifamily housing operators who employed learning management systems were able to quickly shift gears as employees at all levels were forced to stay at home. Traditional property operation methods and in-person training had become temporarily incapacitated, compelling managers to help ensure that learning didn't stop.

Companies were challenged to quickly educate staff about working at home and altered duties along with the usual learning material.

Christi Weinstein, Vice President of Support Operations for BH Management, says RealPage was able to quickly put together and release two dozen courses on working remotely, without having to gather people. The virtual learning courses allowed the company, which manages a broad range of properties from coast to coast, to make fast adjustments for everyday tasks.

“This helped pivot our teams to virtual leasing, engaging residents while at a distance. The best part is that our internal operations people didn’t have to worry about this,” Weinstein said during “Optimizing Today’s Workforce,” a recent webcast hosted by RealPage.

Connecting through remote training and engagement

Gathering people for property management training even in a normal business climate is difficult enough because of the various schedules and workloads of busy employees.

Technology is always changing as well, so being nimble in getting new training in place is a great advantage, says Katie McCaslin, RealPage Vice President of Learning Solutions. In-person training, especially with groups, is unwieldy and cumbersome compared to efficient, self-paced – even enjoyable – teaching systems that keep learning a priority long after onboarding.

"EasyLMS®’s agility and ability to adapt quickly and bring isolated groups or individuals together is a hallmark of the platform," McCaslin says.

Another big value of EasyLMS® is an awards and recognition platform that recognizes and motivates top performers, no matter their location and without having to reserve a conference room.

RealPage Recognitions is the first mobile-ready employee rewards and recognition platform designed to create ongoing motivation and recognition. Company culture and core values are promoted to encourage retention well after initial employee onboarding.

The solution arrives at a time that just staying connected is more important than ever.

“It’s so easy to feel isolated these days, not to mention that your teams are naturally geographically dispersed, which means building that connective tissue across your company is really important,” McCaslin says. “While education and engagement are critical components of company culture, social connection is just as important, and this can be something as simple as providing an easy way for team members to send a shout out to someone through our Recognitions solution.”

Keeping it together at BH Management

Online learning has helped BH Management ensure team members remain educated even as onsite, classroom and conference room trainings have become less practical.

The company has become proactive not only at adapting to rapidly changing technology, but also at utilizing it to its fullest to connect a vast portfolio that stretches from New York to California. They've leveraged EasyLMS® to disseminate company policies, practices and industry knowledge.

“Communication is key for us, and we use technology to keep connected due to our geographic footprint,” Weinstein says. “People are really active with various learning activities and interacting with each other, by commenting and liking and earning badges across all of our teams; they're thriving in that competitive environment.”

Employees can comment or send kudos in a safe, work-focused environment that fosters personal connection and contributes to a better workplace, she adds. EasyLMS® gratifies employees who want to engage and feel valued.

“The social game is real," she says. "Whether it's influencers, bloggers or gamers, they are all looking for recognition and connectivity. Your organization should be asking: How do we fill this void, knowing that our people are craving connection and recognition?”

Learning - and motivating - from a distance appear to be the answer. And the online learning platforms are here to fill the need. For more, watch the webcast.

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