RealPage Videos

Join the Movement to RealPage Student Asset Optimization

Integrating directly with the RealPage Student Property Management solution, RealPage Student Asset Optimization is the only analytics platform of its kind dedicated to Student Housing.

AxioStudent™ provides the data to monitor your competition, identify opportunities and support your investment strategy. Business Intelligence delivers the industry-specific metrics you need to make informed business decisions. And Revenue Management helps you get your pricing right—by the bed or by the unit. Leveraging our vast, student-focused database, you’ll have the numbers you need to proactively adjust rents, modify concessions, forecast the upcoming leasing season (rather than one day at a time) and more.

And RealPage Student Asset Optimization offers the added support of deep industry knowledge. Our team is comprised of experts, well-respected and widely known within the Student industry.
It’s just another reason to join the movement to RealPage Student.

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Join the Movement to RealPage Student Asset Optimization

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